Friday 12 October 2012

Welcome to Term 4

Welcome back to school Room 3 children. I hope you've had a happy holiday. Term 4 is shaping up to be a busy and exciting one. I hope you've got your rocket boosters on! Here are a few of the  planned activities we have in store: athletics, swimsafe, mathathon, calendar pictures, river walk, green day, making games from junk and cyber safety. And that's just for starters! I also look forward to guiding you in the core learning areas: Reading, Writing and Maths. My aim is to make learning stimulating and fun and to have Room 3 children  eager to come to school each day to embrace their learning.

1 comment:

  1. We are deciding on what to make for our calendar pictures also.
    They make lovely preents for grandparents, aunties, uncles and special friends because they last for a whole year. Some of the children in this class still are using their calendars from last year.
    Have fun making them.


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